The Transformative Power of Meditation: Aligning Your Soul for Miracles
Meditation is like a chiropractic adjustment for your soul. Just as a chiropractor realigns your spine to promote physical health, meditation realigns your inner self, allowing you to heal from the inside out. Your inner posture reflects in your physical posture—if you find yourself crouching physically, it’s likely because you’re burdened by something spiritually or emotionally. By addressing these inner misalignments, you create space for transformation in every area of your life.
Whatever situation you’re in, take a moment to think about what’s working and what isn’t. Consider the possibility that, regardless of how dire things may seem, there is always potential for transformation. At least entertain the idea that things can change for the better. The universe makes no distinction between small and large miracles; it’s all the same effort from a cosmic perspective.
You always have faith, but where is your faith placed? Is it in the crucifixion—the suffering and struggle—or in the resurrection—the possibility of renewal and transformation? Often, we have more faith in the reality of our crises than in the belief that these crises can be resolved. But miracles arise from conviction. The more you believe in the possibility of a positive outcome, the more likely you are to experience one.
Light, in its purest form, is simply happiness followed by more happiness, followed by even more happiness. Some people believe that you need sadness to truly appreciate joy, but the truth is that the vibration you radiate is the vibration you will continue to attract. If you radiate happiness and positivity, that is what will continue to come your way. Conversely, if you dwell on negativity, you will perpetuate that cycle.
Anything is possible. If something in your life isn’t working right now, it can transform into something perfect. If something is already working well, it can continue to do so. The universe knows exactly what it’s doing. Your responsibility is to align yourself with this divine intelligence—to “snap yourself in place” through practices like prayer and meditation. This is why starting your day with prayer and meditation is so crucial.
If you’re not meditating daily or engaging in serious prayer, you’re more susceptible to falling into a negative mindset, bombarded by fear-based stimuli from the world and the media. Building your spiritual muscles through these practices helps you let go of the illusory fears that the world presents. In truth, the power of negative forces pales in comparison to the power of love, happiness, peace, and kindness.
The universe operates in a way that ensures balance. Just as in a forest, where the antidote to any poison is found nearby, so too does the universe provide solutions close to any problem that arises. God has the answer to every problem the moment it occurs. The situation can transform because the universe knows what it’s doing—the answer is already available to you.
Notice how you respond to problems when you’re panicking versus when you’re calm. When you maintain faith and stay calm, you’re far more likely to come up with solutions and ideas. But if you panic and focus on how bad things are, you trap yourself in a mindset that blocks creativity and solutions. If you find yourself in a negative place, the last thing you should do is dwell on it. Instead, shift your focus to what’s possible and start rejoicing in the potential for positive change.
Your problems may seem too big for you, but they are never too big for God. When a doctor gives you a pill, you have faith that it will work. Yet, when someone tells you that God will save you, you might respond with uncertainty, hoping it’s true but not fully believing it. Your job is to move your mind to a place where it’s ready to receive miracles.
Ask for a miracle. A miracle is simply a shift in perception from fear to love. Unless you ask for this shift, it would be a violation of your free will for it to happen. When you pray for a miracle, you are asking for a transformation in your own consciousness. Because all minds are connected, when you shift, everyone around you shifts as well.
When you pray for a miracle, you are inviting God into your consciousness. But miracles can only guide you through appropriate channels—spirit cannot move into a heart that is not open. Be willing to entertain new thoughts that produce different emotions, ones that align with the channels through which miracles flow.
There would be no need for a savior if there were nothing to be saved from. The only thing you truly need saving from is your own misguided perception of the world. When you ask God to save you, you are really asking to be saved from your wrong view of things. Keeping your heart open means that miracles can and will enter your life, transforming it in ways you might never have imagined.