The Self-Development Cycle

Learning to build your skills and effectiveness

The self-development cycle is a method of planning development activities in a rigorous, thorough and practical way.

The success of the self-development cycle depends on repeating the planning process regularly (at least every year, preferably every six months or when circumstances change, such as taking on a new role). The seven stages of the cycle are:

1.      Establish the purpose

You need to keep the overall aim firmly in mind and then ensure that all activities directly support this aim. Without this clear goal in mind it is often difficult to stay on track, keep momentum or maintain motivation.

2.      Identify development needs

Identify development needs so that a program for meeting those needs can be devised. In particular, the needs must be realistic and time-constrained, with a definite deadline.

3.      Look at (and for) your opportunities for development

Deciding how to meet your development needs is the next stage and this may include a mix of formal and informal methods. As well as effectiveness, cost and timing, bear in mind your own preferred learning style: what approach suits you best?

4.      Formulate an action plan

This will be necessary for more complex development needs requiring a range of activities or an ongoing process. You should also consider how the development process will be supported, perhaps by a mentor.

5.      Complete the development activity

This is the core of the process. It is worth considering specifically how the results will be integrated into workplace activities.

6.      Record outcomes

Keep track of development activities in order to assess results against planned objectives – reviewing progress and understanding what methods work best – and plan future activities.

7.      Review and evaluate

Evaluating an event will help you assess whether the original objective has been met and the development need fulfilled.