The Power Within: Choosing Between Love and Illusion
As a creation of God, you are inherently powerful. The central question in life is how you will choose to use this power: for happiness and love, or for fear and self-destruction? At every moment, transformative energies surround you, offering the potential to experience a higher reality—the “real world.” But to access it, you must be willing to shift your perception beyond the physical realm.
The Real World vs. The World You See
Take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on the world you currently see. It’s filled with the tangible—material things, events, and problems that seem insurmountable. But the real world is not like this. The physical world you perceive must be denied, not because it doesn’t exist, but because it causes division and distraction from the truth. You cannot see both worlds at once because they represent two entirely different ways of seeing.
The world you see has always disappointed you. It is a place of temporary pleasures and fleeting achievements, where everything eventually returns to dust. It’s essential not to cling too tightly to this world, for what is real is not bound by time or physicality.
The Power of Love
The real world, however, holds true power because it is rooted in love. What you hold in love will come to you, for love always responds. This love is not tied to the transient experiences of the physical world, but to a higher, eternal reality. It’s only when you acknowledge that the world you’ve been taught to believe in is not your home, that true transformation can begin.
Everything you’ve been taught in the material realm is based on illusions. You’ve learned to strive for comfort, wealth, and security in a world that is ultimately not your home. It’s no wonder you often feel like an alien here. The constant search for belonging through material gains—finding the perfect house, the right job, or financial security—never fully satisfies because this world is not where you come from.
A Shift in Perception
To see the real world, you need a new way of seeing, hearing, and thinking. The transformation required goes beyond merely collecting knowledge or reciting spiritual truths. It’s about allowing your life to be changed at its core, stepping out of the illusion and into the reality of love. You must acknowledge that you do, in fact, have a choice. No one is bound to the illusions of the physical world unless they choose to be.
There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not harder than the other because miracles operate outside the realm of physical limitations. The challenges you face—whether they are financial issues, legal troubles, or personal struggles—seem monumental in the eyes of the ego. But in the realm of miracles, they are simply different forms of the same illusion.
The Illusion of Problems
Support in the material world often comes in the form of sympathy: “I understand your pain.” While this provides comfort, it also reinforces the illusion that the problem is real. The miraculous perspective, however, offers a different response: “There is another way to see this.” True happiness is not found in solving the problem itself, but in realizing that the problem is an illusion.
You won’t find lasting happiness when the money issue resolves or the legal matter is settled. You’ll find it when you recognize that these problems are part of the hallucination of the physical world. The effects of this illusion are powerful because, while you are in the body, you experience them as real. But the truth remains: what is not love is not real. And what is not real cannot threaten you.
From Love to Fear
We all enter this world in total love, connected to the divine essence from which we come. But over time, we are taught fear and separation. This is the fallen world—a place where the pure thought forms of love have descended into dense physical reality. Our attempts to escape this fallen world often take the form of trying to change the facts of our external reality: solving problems, chasing success, fixing what’s broken.
Everyone seems to have a story—a sad story filled with struggles and pain. But as long as you are caught in the belief that this story is your reality, you will remain stuck. The solution isn’t to fix the story, but to transcend it by understanding that it’s part of the illusion. Once you realize this, you can begin to move beyond the confines of fear and limitation and step into the transformative power of love.
Embrace Your True Home
This physical realm is not your home, and the more you try to find lasting happiness here, the more alienated you will feel. The key to real power lies in acknowledging that nothing in the physical world can truly satisfy you. By shifting your perception to the realm of love, which is eternal and unchanging, you free yourself from the illusions of the material world and step into the boundless power that is your birthright as a creation of God.