The Power of Surrender: Trusting in the Divine Flow of Life
When you stop forcing your conscious mind to find solutions to your life’s problems, something remarkable happens—your subconscious mind steps in and provides the answers. But when you approach life with a mindset of forcing things to happen, you block this natural flow. The subconscious mind, which is connected to a deeper, wiser part of yourself, can’t work its magic when it’s overshadowed by stress and tension.
We often put unnecessary stress on our bodies, carrying burdens they were never meant to bear. Heavy thoughts, like toxic waste, accumulate and poison the body. Interestingly, the body heals itself when you’re not obsessively watching it, just as solutions to your problems often appear when you’re not actively searching for them. But when you’re constantly striving and stressing, you never give yourself the chance to just *be*. You miss out on the simple joys of life, and peace remains elusive.
The path to peace isn’t through constant striving; it’s by *being* at peace. When you’re caught up in the mindset of needing to make things happen, you’re implicitly telling yourself that who you are and what you have is not enough. But emptiness doesn’t attract fullness—fullness attracts fullness. When you vibrate from a place of contentment and say, “This is it!” you align yourself with the energy of abundance and fulfillment.
At what point will you allow yourself to be happy? Many people believe that miracles are rare, extraordinary events, but the truth is that miracles are the natural order of the world. When they don’t occur, it’s a sign that something has gone wrong. We often think that any good thing in our lives must be earned through hard work and stress, leading to a constant state of anxiety. The ego tells us that we can’t relax because if we’re not taking action, someone else—our competitors, perhaps—will outpace us. But this is the ego’s distorted worldview.
In reality, miracles arise naturally as expressions of love. They happen when you see the truth in any given moment and open your heart. If there’s a person in front of you, nothing is more important than acknowledging their humanity. Even a simple greeting—saying “hi”—can be an act of love. You may not always get what you want, but if you stay open and present, you might find that you get what you need. The people you meet, the encounters you have, are all part of a greater plan, even if your mind, focused on its own agenda, doesn’t recognize their importance.
Your mind may be preoccupied with all the tasks you think you need to accomplish, leading you to overlook the significance of the people and moments right in front of you. But in reality, everyone you meet is somehow important to your life’s journey. If it’s happening, it’s part of the plan. Spiritually, you’re here to learn to be with others in kindness, elegance, respect, and honor. Every person you encounter reflects an aspect of yourself that you need to embrace.
You might think your future is determined by what you do, but on a deeper level, it’s determined by who you are. Even if you go out and make things happen, if your personality isn’t aligned with grace and spirit, you’ll end up sabotaging your own efforts. You can attract things by sheer force, but if you don’t have the inner magnetism to hold onto them, they’ll slip away. There’s a difference between being an iron stone and being a magnet. To become a magnet, you must connect with your soul.
Making a spiritual adjustment is key to becoming the person who already lives the life you want. If you don’t, you’ll miss out on life. You’ll realize, too late, that you weren’t truly present when it mattered most. Everywhere you’ve been was perfect, but were you aware of it?
Consider the possibility that every interaction is a gift. What if everything in your life, right now, is something to be enjoyed fully? As time passes, certain situations and opportunities will disappear forever. Some people realize too late that they missed out on their children’s early years, or on other precious moments, because they were too focused on achieving something else first. Many people put off living their lives, thinking they need to reach a certain milestone before they can truly start living. But life doesn’t wait. Nature didn’t design things so that you could only have children after becoming a CEO, or only start enjoying life after reaching a certain level of success.
Financial needs are real, but don’t take it to the extreme where you believe your life will start only after you’ve achieved something significant. If you keep waiting for the future, you’ll always be chasing something just out of reach, according to your ego’s endless demands.
Your only dream should be to know that you are living the most beautiful dream *right now*. There are wonderful things in the world, but if you’re not living your most beautiful vibration in the present moment, those things won’t truly exist for you, and you won’t reach them either.
Remember, over every blade of grass there is an angel whispering for it to grow. You don’t have to work so hard. Look at the flowers—they just need to be open to the sunlight to bloom. Your next best step is always something in the present, but you have to be open to see it.
I invite you to surrender your desires to God. This doesn’t mean shirking responsibility, but rather letting go of the overthinking that ties you in knots. Trust that you will be told everything you need to know. It’s not about inaction, but about letting go of the ego’s constant push for control. Go out into the day with trust. Don’t hold too tightly to anything—surrender it to God. As the saying goes, “Be not anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.”