The Power of Miracles: Embracing Love and Letting Go of Grievances
In the absence of love, miracles cannot occur. Love is the essential ingredient that makes miracles possible, and without it, even the most earnest desire for change will fall short. When you need a miracle, you must first create the conditions for it to happen, and this begins with understanding that miracles are not subject to difficulty. There is no hierarchy of miracles—whether big or small, they are all expressions of love and can happen naturally when love is present.
You can have a grievance or you can have a miracle, but you cannot have both. Holding onto anger, blame, or resentment blocks the flow of love, and thus, blocks the possibility of a miracle. It’s important to recognize that sometimes the person responsible for making bad things happen might be yourself. This realization is crucial because attacking yourself is just as harmful as attacking others. Your good intentions alone are not enough; what truly matters is your willingness to release those grievances and open yourself to the possibility of healing and transformation.
When you’re not directly involved in a situation, it’s often easier to see the truth. This distance allows for clarity and objectivity, something the Universe inherently possesses. The Universe knows how to bring perfection to any situation—it knows how to fix what is broken. Part of being open to a miracle is releasing the need to control the specifics of what that miracle should look like. Instead, trust in the wisdom of the Universe to create the best possible outcome, even if it doesn’t align with your initial expectations.
Our role is to accept the correction of our own perception. When a disaster occurs, it’s tempting to place all the blame on others. Even if the situation is 90 percent the other person’s fault and only 10 percent yours, your salvation lies in owning that 10 percent. A miracle becomes possible when you take responsibility for your part and release the blame. This requires deep self-reflection—who are you not forgiving? Who are you blaming? Do you prefer to be right, or do you prefer to be happy?
Intellectually, we often understand that letting go of grievances allows space for miracles. Deep down, we know that holding onto resentment only hurts ourselves. The Bible says, “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord,” which means that it’s not our place to seek retribution. The Universe has its own way of balancing itself, and our job is to trust in that process rather than trying to control it ourselves.
Salvation is not about being saved from external forces, but rather from our own delusional thinking. It requires the acceptance of a simple yet profound truth: you are as God created you, not what you have made of yourself. Whatever mistakes you think you have made, whatever evil you believe you have done, the truth about you remains unchanged. Creation is eternal and unalterable, and your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. You are, and will always be, exactly as you were created—light, joy, and peace abide within you because God placed them there.
You are faced with a choice: to believe in the self that God created, or in the flawed self you have constructed. One is real, the other is an illusion. To experience the unity of your true self, appreciate the holiness and love from which it was created. Do not interfere with the self that God created by hiding it behind the tiny idols of sinfulness and evil you have made. Let your true self shine forth. Here you are—this is who you truly are. Light, joy, and peace dwell within you because that is your true nature.
As you come to realize this deeper truth about yourself, you will see that accepting it is not arrogance, but humility. The thinking of the world is often the opposite of the thinking of God. If the world’s view were true, it would mean that you created yourself, and that would indeed be an arrogant assumption. But by recognizing the truth of your divine origin, you root yourself more deeply in your own innocence. The more you embrace your innocence, the more you will recognize it in others.
People respond to the level you speak from. When you react from a place of love and innocence, you bypass the chaos in others and invoke their own love and sanity. This is where you find unlimited happiness, joy, and bliss—not by clinging to grievances, but by embracing the miracle of love that resides within you and within everyone you meet.