The Power of Love: Aligning with the Divine Mind
When you think with love, you are aligned with your true self. You are not merely a physical being navigating a chaotic world—you are an idea in the mind of God, a divine expression of love and creativity. Every moment, the thoughts of God are beaming into you, offering you the opportunity to align with this divine wisdom and extend it outward into the world.
When your mind is in the right state—when it is clear, focused, and filled with love—the thoughts of God flow through you and are expressed in everything you do. In these moments of alignment, you become a co-creator with God. Every act of empathy, every gesture of kindness, every thought of love is not just an expression of your humanity but an extension of divine will. In these loving moments, you are not separate from God; you are a vessel through which divine love flows into the world.
However, when you are not aligned with love—when your mind is clouded by anger, fear, or resentment—you become disconnected from this divine source. You may believe you are thinking, but in reality, you are lost in delusion. Without love, there is no true thought, only the chaotic ramblings of a mind disconnected from its source.
The world we experience through our physical senses is, in many ways, an illusion. This illusion can be as powerful in its effects as the truth, and when we are caught up in it, it can be difficult to discern reality. When you are overwhelmed by negative emotions, your physical senses won’t tell you that you are in a state of delusion. Instead, they reinforce the illusion, making it seem all the more real.
Our lives are often a reflection of a split mind. There is the version of you that shows up when everything is going well, when you are in a good mood and treating others with kindness and respect. And then there is the version of you that emerges when you are struggling, when your behavior is less than kind, and your actions are driven by fear or anger. This split is a result of mental programming—beliefs and patterns instilled in you, often by others, that shape your reactions and responses to the world.
It doesn’t matter who programmed you with a negative mindset. What matters is recognizing that, right now, these patterns are yours to own and transform. The quality of your reactions to life’s challenges is directly related to your mental programming. When your mind is not extending love, it is like a light being blocked by darkness. Just as darkness is merely the absence of light, fear and negativity are the absence of love.
When your mind is not extending love, something within you is blocking it—a belief, a fear, a shadow of the ego. Whether you call it the devil, the shadow, or the ego, it is rooted in the false belief that we are separate from one another. This belief always seeks to assign guilt, either to yourself or to others, and in doing so, it blocks the flow of love.
The spirit within you and the ego within you are always active, always influencing your thoughts, emotions, and actions. They never rest. But the truth is that miracles occur naturally as expressions of love, and there is no order of difficulty in them. When you stand in a place of love, you become a magnet for harmony, not just in your immediate surroundings but across time itself—past, present, and future are all affected by the energy you project.
You don’t lose power when you are in fear, but the power you have is turned against you. Fear distorts your perception, weakens your resolve, and causes you to act in ways that are counterproductive to your true desires. But when you stand in love, when you embrace your natural state, you harmonize with the world around you. You align with the divine mind, and in doing so, you co-create a reality that reflects the love and wisdom of God. This is the true power of love—when you think with love, you are who you are meant to be, a co-creator with the divine, shaping a world that is aligned with truth and harmony.