Embracing the Divine Flow: Trusting the Power Beyond Yourself
Imagine an angel gently pushing you forward from behind, guiding you on your path. There’s no need to force things to happen or strain yourself trying to control every detail of your life. The universe is already working in your favor, and when you learn to trust in this flow, you can let go of the need to constantly push and pull at the world around you.
In the balance of yin and yang, the yin represents the earth, the feminine force, while the yang embodies the sky or spirit, the masculine force. Our relationship to spirit is at the core of our human experience, much like the connection between Mother Earth and the heavens. God is often referred to as “He” because spirit is traditionally seen as masculine, which means that our souls, in relation to God, must be feminine.
There’s a limit to what you, as an individual, can do. You don’t have the power to command the waters or control the primal forces of the universe. The “you” that you identify with—your ego, the small, separated self—doesn’t possess that kind of power. In fact, you can’t possibly know exactly what needs to happen or what you should make happen. Where do your ideas about what you need to do even come from? Often, they arise from your limited perspective, colored by your experiences and beliefs.
You might be able to fix things here and there with your own efforts, but creating miraculous breakthroughs? That’s beyond the scope of your individual power. However, there is a power within you whose sole purpose is to create those miraculous shifts. If you’re not in constant contact with this higher power, you’re like a light bulb without electricity—full of potential but unable to shine.
Consider this: when you say, “I want to make this happen,” like finding a new source of income, you might be operating from a core belief that you lack income. This belief infuses everything you do with a consciousness of lack. No matter how hard you work to gain more, if you’re carrying that belief of scarcity, the universe will respond accordingly, and you’ll continue to experience lack.
A miraculous shift is not just about changing your circumstances; it’s about a fundamental shift in perception. Your thoughts are the engine room of your reality. A miraculous breakthrough happens when you change the way you look at things. For example, instead of seeing your job as something the world gives you, recognize that your career is a gift from God—a part of your divine purpose that transcends any temporary job or title.
Anything real and eternal is fundamental to your being. Your ability to rise up in life is grounded in your connection to what is true and lasting. You are a glorious expression, an idea in the mind of God, regardless of whether you possess all the material things the world values. These things are only a fraction of who you are, a small part of your existence. If you identify solely with the material, you become subject to the laws of scarcity that govern the physical world.
When you go out and try to earn more money or increase your income while believing deep down that you lack it, you reinforce that belief, and the universe plays along. Instead, remember the truth of God: abundance is your natural state. Only abundance exists in the divine realm. You may think you know what you should do next, but if your thoughts are based on lack, your actions might lead you astray. Align your thinking with the mind of God, rooted in abundance, and you’re more likely to attract what you truly desire.
It’s not about wanting more money; it’s about the evolution of your soul. When your mind is unclear, you’ll get mixed results. The soul is in a feminine relationship with God, who is always working on your behalf. You don’t have to do anything except make yourself open and receptive—emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually—to the divine influence. Think of yourself as a light bulb that needs to connect to electricity; your role is to allow the current to flow through you.
You aren’t needed to turn an acorn into an oak tree or to keep the planets revolving around the sun. The same force that manages these miracles can also guide your life. You can either let this divine force run your life, or you can insist on doing it yourself. Every time you decide to “go out there and make it happen” on your own, you’re putting yourself first, believing you know best. But this approach limits you because it separates you from the natural order of the universe.
True power comes from surrendering to the divine flow, allowing the higher power within you to lead the way. When you align yourself with this force, miracles happen naturally, and your life unfolds in ways far beyond what you could have ever imagined.