Claiming Resurrection Amidst Crucifixion: The Power of Faith in Adversity
When you came into this world, you were meant to live fully, but life often brings crucifixions—moments of intense suffering. These crucifixions might take the form of cancer, divorce, bankruptcy, or any personal crisis. But here’s the important truth: your crucifixion is not the end of the story. In the midst of your suffering, you have the power to claim resurrection, to rise above the pain, and realize that what you’re facing is not the ultimate reality.
The Illusion of Suffering
In moments of intense hardship, it’s easy to feel as though the suffering is all that exists. However, this suffering is an illusion. It feels real to the body and the rational mind, but in the grand spiritual sense, it is not the final truth. We do not believe in a God who says, “I’d love to help you, but your past sins are holding you back.” That is not the kind of powerful, loving God who created you.
In fact, it’s often easier to believe in miracles when things are going well. When life seems stable, the power of love and God feels accessible. But it is in the depths of adversity that the real test begins. Despite what the rational mind may say, you must claim a better reality with conviction. The power of God is always present, like electricity waiting to be connected, and we can tap into this power through prayer and faith.
The Power of Prayer and Conviction
We connect to God’s power through conscious contact, and this connection is made strongest through prayer. When you pray, consider it done. Prayer is not simply a request; it is the medium through which miracles are manifested, and miracles are born from conviction. The healing of the mind, the beginning of salvation, occurs when we open ourselves to the possibility that there is another way—a higher, divine way.
When two people agree in faith, their power is limitless. The strength of agreement can move mountains, but even this is small compared to what we are truly capable of. Faith is not reserved for the religious; it is an inherent aspect of consciousness. Everyone has faith. The question is, where are you placing it? Do you have faith in disaster, or do you have faith in God’s power to transform that disaster?
Transforming Faith from Fear to Power
Many of us have more faith in the power of sickness or hardship than in the power of God to heal and restore. When faced with something as terrifying as cancer, it’s easy to believe in its power to destroy us. But what if, instead, you looked at God and thought, “It wouldn’t hurt to ask”? In the grand scheme of divine power, cancer is not an insurmountable obstacle—it’s something God can heal with ease.
There are dark forces in the world, forces that threaten to rob us of happiness and peace. These forces manifest in disease, in human behavior, and in the struggles we face. They seem to whisper, “No happy life for you. You don’t deserve to survive.” These situations appear to be telling us that we should give up, but they are really asking us a deeper question: “How big do you want to be?” If you are affected by these problems, it’s because you’re seeing yourself as small, limited to the physical reality.
Seeing Through the Eyes of Eternal Life
To rise above adversity, you must see the world not through the lens of the physical, but through the eyes of eternal life. The truth is, there is only one reality: the infinite reality of God. This reality is made of abundance, health, love, and eternal life. These forces have an infinite capacity to correct anything that does not align with them. Sickness, suffering, and problems are not more powerful than God, and they never will be.
When you align your mind and heart with the truth of eternal life, you begin to see beyond the illusion of suffering. You recognize that you are not a victim of circumstance, but a co-creator of your reality. The power of God is within you, and it can transform any situation, no matter how dire it may seem.
The Infinite Power of Love
There is nothing more powerful than love. Love is the force that binds the universe, the energy that created you, and the essence of eternal life. When you focus on love, you are tapping into the infinite power of God. Love has the ability to heal any condition, to transform any situation, and to correct any imbalance.
The key to overcoming adversity is not to fix the problem in the way the world suggests. It’s to elevate your perception, to understand that the problem itself is an illusion, a temporary obstacle in the vast, eternal reality of love. When you shift your faith from fear and suffering to love and resurrection, you reclaim your divine power.
Your crucifixions—the cancer, the divorce, the bankruptcy—are not the end of the story. They are opportunities for resurrection. In the midst of your suffering, you have the power to rise above it, to see it for the illusion it truly is. God’s power is always present, waiting for you to connect through prayer and conviction. With faith in love, in eternal life, and in the infinite reality, you can overcome any adversity. Nothing in this world is more powerful than the God who created it. Nothing in this world can stop you from claiming the resurrection that is your birthright.